Our Facebook Group (For Members Only)
Our club has a presence on Facebook as a secret (and private) group called CHOC. We use this group to communicate with each other, knowing that only club members have access. Thus, members can feel more secure in sharing their plans to attend our rallies, or announcing their travel plans so that others may join them. We also ask for advice addressing problems and share enhancements we make to our coaches.
How to Join
To join the Facebook group you must first be a friend to one of the current members and they must invite you to the group. It is recommended that you use the current club communications officer as your friend on Facebook by searching for the email address "[email protected]”. Go to that person’s page and click on the “Add Friend” button. When the communications officer sees your request, he/she will verify your name on the CHOC roster and invite you to the group. Once you accept the invitation, you will find “CHOC” added to your list of groups and your can now find the group page by searching for “CHOC”. Once you belong to the group you no longer need to be a friend with anyone in the group. So, please feel free to unfriend the person that invited you if you want to avoid seeing their personal posts on Facebook. As you meet other club members either at rallies or on Facebook, you may choose to add them as Facebook friends for a more personal connection.
How to Stay Safe on Facebook
Obviously, to be a member of this Facebook group, you must first have a Facebook account. Go to www.facebook.com to open an account. It is free. Once you have opened an account, we recommend various settings to maximize your security in our document “Making Facebook Safe”.
How to Post
To post on the CHOC group page, just go to the page and enter your post. When you are sharing photos, please consider adding them to an existing album or starting a new album if you expect others to add related photos. For example, we have a separate album for each of our past rallies. Feel free to tag yourself in your photos knowing that only club members can see the Facebook group